pretty awesome.
yeah i guess i have a pretty high standard for a 12 year old and my older bro whos 27. he teaches me alot of stuff about techno music/trance/elictronic music.
8 originality- well not realy a great original concept. basicaly just a basic comercial techno song with some vocals.but atleast your loop doesnt stay in 1 key tone and actualy has a chord proggresion through the song.
7 clarity- well the clarity was pretty good but the compression issues . it seams to me that the loop peaks out at some points. but pretty clear, lead synth doesnt drown out the backround abit.
so yeah this song could use better compression.
compression tip- this tip i use when produceing music, its called a double commpressor. basical what you do * this can be done on any program or on hands on compressors*real life** is turn your volumes down real low as in 1/4 to 1/8 low and pick out 2 compressors * 3 if needed* and expiriment .the first compressor should have a low decibal rateing as in like 10 db. then the second can have a high db rateing like 25.7. this allows you to get hi volume with out maxing out .dont worry it will take some expirementing but once you get it it realy helps
8 effort- tsk tsk tsk i know that you were fooling around but spend more time foolig around with your loops this will help inprove your skills in the music produceing career/hobby.
8 overall- other than some originality issues and compression fix those up and just hit to the streets with it * i mean as in like clubs* any ways review my review i gave you. and to answer the question of why i dont submit stuff here is becuase i dont want to be harrased by zero voters and im just kinda lazy cuase this is my bros and mine account so you know if anything goes wrong then its kinda my fault. but what ever. good jorb on the song.